I Don’t Want to Be A Famous Blogger

I don’t want to be famous.
Back in 2008, I was just starting my online career. I wanted a purely passive income so I could travel and enjoy life without having to worry about going into work everyday. I started reading blogs such as Smart Passive Income, Niche Pursuits, Writing for Your Wealth, Get Rich Slowly, and so on. What I loved about these blogs is that many of the bloggers were in the same place I was – just starting out. Pat Flynn was writing eHow articles and had just lost his job while Spencer Haws was doing his Adsense experiment while working at Wells Fargo. At the time, these bloggers were just like me. I loved seeing their businesses and income grow each month. However, as their income grew over the years, mine did not.

Today, I make enough money online to pay my bills, which is great, but that’s about it. Although I do manage to save enough for a vacation once in a while, I still live with my parents because I can’t afford to move out. I would love to be able to make enough money online to pay off my student loan debt, buy my own house, travel, save for retirement and not have to live paycheck to paycheck. I’d also like to start a family someday and I hear that kids are expensive (hope my future hubby is rich).

I Don’t Want To Be Famous

Running a successful blog can be overwhelming.
My reason for starting this blog is not to get famous. I don’t want to be well known like Pat Flynn, Spencer Haws, JD Roth, Tim Ferris, etc. I’m an introvert with social anxiety disorder and running a successful blog sounds exhausting. I don’t think I could do it with all the podcasts, guest posts, YouTube videos, social media, emails, meet & greets, conferences, speeches and so forth. I’m pretty sure most successful bloggers have a team running their blogs but they still need to be around to manage the team & their brand. I’m lazy and it sounds like too much work for me.

Goals For This Blog

I want an income that is almost 100% passive or at least 75% passive. I’m sure it can be done but I just have to figure out how. That’s the purpose of this blog. I want to document my passive income journey and I want to help others figure out how to make a living online. Brainstorming in Motion will be my personal diary where I will share my goals, struggles, failures and successes. I will also share whatever tips and tricks I find along the way to help out my readers.

To be honest, writing this post is a little terrifying. I want to help people who need a jump-start in creating an online income and I really do want this blog to be successful so I can help as many people as possible. Yet, at the same time, I’m not an outgoing person and would prefer to hide behind the keyboard. Maybe this blog will be a good thing and will help me grow as a person and become a little more outgoing. We’ll just have to wait and see. I might just freak out and delete the whole blog as soon as I start to get a following. LOL!

Is there anyone out there that is currently making an income online? Is it passive or active income? Are you making a full-time living or just part-time? Any advice? Over the next day or two, I’ll be brainstorming the top ways to make a passive income online and will get a post published on my findings so be sure to come back and check it out.

2 thoughts on “I Don’t Want to Be A Famous Blogger”

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    • I appreciate the advice FirstTeena and thanks for the compliment. I didn’t start this blog as a way to make money, although I will include affiliate links when appropriate. Thanks again for the comment. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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