August 2024 – Amazon KDP Income Report

August was an absolutely horrible month for me personally but I’m excited to finally share this report. But first, a little backstory on the nightmarish month I had.

During the first week of August, my 10 year old beagle, Remington, started throwing up in the early morning hours. It would only be once around 3 or 4 AM and only happened two or three days that week. The next week she started throwing up during the day, around noon. It would only be once and she would be fine after that. I decided to take her into the vet thinking she had gastritis or something that could be cured with an antibiotic or a probiotic. The vet ran a blood test and gave me the horrible news. My dog had end stage kidney failure and pancreatitis. The vet said I could try to treat her but it would only give her a few more weeks at best and cost thousands of dollars. It was Thursday when I took her to the vet so I decided to bring her home and have one really great weekend with her before putting her down. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen.

Remington got so sick on Friday night that I thought she was going to die right there at home. We live 5 hours from the nearest emergency vet and don’t have an at-home euthanasia vet in our area. Vet clinics around here also aren’t open on Saturdays. I had to spend the next two days trying to keep her calm and comfortable until Monday when I could get her back to the vet. It’s not how I wanted to spend my last days with her. She was still eating a bit here and there so before we left for the vet on Monday morning I fed her some of her favorite foods that I normally wouldn’t let her have because of her diabetes such as honey baked ham. She died peacefully at the vet but I was devastated. I spent the next two weeks barely able to function.

Then I had to pack for a cruise to Alaska. The cruise was booked 8 months ago as a gift from my parents for my 40th birthday back in January. It was a fun trip but it was hard to enjoy it as I was still mourning my baby girl. Needless to say, nothing got done on KDP, Merch or Etsy in August. I also got Covid on my trip and am just now starting to feel better. The last few days, I’ve been trying to get some work done towards the goals I made in August but it’s been slow going. Now that you know the backstory behind why this report is late, here’s what you’ve been waiting for:

August 2024 Income Report

In August 2024, I sold 24 books for a total income of $46.25. I sold less books and made less money in August compared to July but considering I haven’t published any books in two months, I think I did pretty good. I had a total of 20 books in the bookshelf at the beginning of the month and I didn’t publish any new books. I currently have 12 coloring books, 3 log books, 3 scrapbook paper pads and 2 journals. I sold 6 coloring books (17), 2 log books (6) and a scrapbook paper pad (1).

August 2024 KDP Orders

August 2024 KDP Income

Advertising costs were less than last month. My ACOS was a lot higher though at 29.50%. I spent $7.66 on ads and sold 4 books. I’m okay with that although I wish ACOS was a bit lower.

August 2024 KDP Advertising

Total Amazon KDP Income for August 2024: $38.59

Previous Month’s Earnings

July 2024: $52.80
June 2024: $32.15
May 2024: $19.97
April 2024: $26.84

What Did I Do In August?

If you’ve read the intro to this post, then you’ll know that I did absolutely nothing in August. I’m also not sure how much I’ll get done in September. There’s a week left in the month so I’m going to try to get at least a few books published.

Goals for September 2024

  • Publish 4 books
  • Add A+ content to 6 niche related coloring books

I only made two goals for September and I made the goals fairly easy to achieve. I’m still feeling the effects of covid so I’m going to try to take it easy for the next week. However, I want to get to my ultimate goal of $3,000 a month (or more) more than ever so I want to get some books published by the end of the month. If I could get to my goal of $3,000 a month, I could afford to get another dog. I don’t want to replace my sweet baby Remington but I loved having a dog to take care of so I would like to get another one someday. The sooner I reach my income goals on KDP, Merch and Etsy, the sooner I can afford to get another dog. So that’s my main motivation right now.

Ally Gibson


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