September 2024 – Etsy Store Income Report

Even though the end of September was busy, busy, busy, I was still able to get quite a bit done with my Etsy store. As far as sales go, you’ll have to keep reading to find out how I did. Here’s my September 2024 Etsy Store Income Report:

September 2024 Income Report

In September, I made $56.07 from 10 orders. I had 224 visits which gives me a conversion rate of 4.3%. It was almost the exact same stats as last month. I made 1 less order, had around 20 less visits and had the exact same conversion rate.

September 2024 Etsy Income

I do not spend money on advertising, however, Etsy does their own advertising and they take out listing fees. The listing fees were $11.92 and their marketing fee was $3.51. I’m not sure why the marketing was so high, especially when my conversion rate was the same as last month.

September 2024 Etsy Advertising

Total Etsy Income for September 2024: $40.64

Previous Month’s Earnings

August: $48.24
July 2024: $38.28
June 2024: $30.00

What Did I Do In September?

I got a lot done in September. I completed all 3 goals that I set for myself. I created 10 new items and I finished the display images & videos for the products that had already been created. Before I can publish those items, I still need to create a PDF with a link to the product, a Canva guide for the product, a description, title & keywords for the product and decide on a price for the product. Publishing products on Etsy is a complicated process which is why it’s taking me so long to list new items to my store.

Goals for October 2024

  • Create 40 new items
  • Create display images for 40 items
  • Create display videos for 40 items
  • Create PDFs for 40 items
  • Create Canva guides for 40 items

My October goals seem like a lot but they really aren’t. Most of the 40 new items, I just have to create 1 item and then change it 9 more times so it fits for each category. For example, if I create a rental car form, then I can change a few words in the form and it will work for motorcycle rentals, truck rentals, bus rentals, etc. So really, I’m only creating 4 new items and then quickly changing out some of the words and pictures. The display images and videos are usually quick to make once I get into a groove. The PDFs and Canva guides are also easy to create. I just change the title on the PDF & add the correct link. While the Canva guides just need a few words changed, a link or two changed out and a screenshot of the Canva share screen. I’m hoping to get at least 40 new items listed in my store by the end of November and 40 more listed by the end of December (I’m going to be on vacation all of December so we’ll see how this goes).

Ally Gibson


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